On being at home again

I’m Jayme. And I’ve been here before.

I’m resurrecting a beloved writing project that I erected in 2011 for the new/old life I’m leading in 2020.

This year. This year that just keeps stretching me is again teaching me new things. In August of 2020, I took on a role that I’ve had before: stay-at-home-mom. I’m taking a “gap year.” Grown-ups with gray hair can do that, too, right?

I’m spending the next year committed to helping my 5th and 7th grade children with their all-virtual school year. After being a working mom for nearly 4 years, I will step back into a familiar role. With my husband working from home and two kids logging on daily for school, this will be a full house.

Join me as I write about day-to-day stuff, big stuff, life stuff. We’re all students of Human School, learning how to live a life of authenticity.

Let’s stick together.