I just love my pool

In my childhood, nearly every pool that I swam in was indoors. I took lessons indoors, and  any “pool parties” took place at the local high school. The occasional trip to a hotel was made that much more fun by the exciting prospect of swimming in an indoor pool. Outdoor swimming? You did that kindContinue reading “I just love my pool”

A love fest for all the mommas

This weekend is Mother’s Day and it’s a sweet holiday for those of us in mommy-land. My world of construction paper cards and hand-made gifts is still alive and active, and I’m grateful for extra squeezes or kisses that are thrown my way. But this post is a love-letter to all the fellow mommas thatContinue reading “A love fest for all the mommas”

Another Gratitude Post: 19 Things I’m Thankful For

Once I set out to accomplish something, it’s hard to get me to set down the baton and admit the race is over. Furthermore, I’ve publicly announced my goal, so there is no stopping me now–the fact that Thanksgiving has been over for 3 months means NOTHING to me. Two more posts about gratitude… afterContinue reading “Another Gratitude Post: 19 Things I’m Thankful For”

Judging Judies, you know the type

It’s all part of adulthood to make decisions based on what you think is best. I find myself having difficulty with people’s viewpoints that seem narrow and restrictive. When a person I know may consider herself open-minded and loving, and then shares an opinion that I find bordering on prejudice and mean-spiritedness, I think, “Wow.”Continue reading “Judging Judies, you know the type”

A reflection: The week of April 15th

It’s been my experience as a stay-at-home-mom that some days pass like minutes and others pass like years. This week has felt like a little bit of both. Here in Fort Collins, we had a surprising spring storm. As a result, my little family was out of our regular routine due to school closures andContinue reading “A reflection: The week of April 15th”

I’m not really a Wallflower, but I’ll try

Have you read The Perks of Being a Wallflower? I am not quite sure why, but I only recently read this book. Well, I actually devoured this book. In any case, I have been inspired. Also, I haven’t written a post in a long time. So, let’s see if I can merge these two things…Continue reading “I’m not really a Wallflower, but I’ll try”

Library Book Hoarder: “Confessions of a Scary Mommy” by Jill Smokler

It has been ages since I did a book review. I read this book recently, and this puppy is begging for a review. Jill Smokler wrote this book to shed humor on the work that many of us do all day as (at least part-time) stay-at-home-moms. At first glance, this book looks like a dozenContinue reading “Library Book Hoarder: “Confessions of a Scary Mommy” by Jill Smokler”

School Choices: Mountain Sage Community School

Part of the reason that we moved to Fort Collins was to be in a smaller community, where choosing a school for our children would be less intimidating. We didn’t stick around Denver long enough to find out how gruelling that process would be, but it still seems plenty difficult in this community. However, IContinue reading “School Choices: Mountain Sage Community School”

2013: A Resolutions Odyssey

Happy New Year! This is 2013, which in my mind as a child would look just like the Jetsons or, alternatively, Marty McFly’s place in “Back to the Future Part II.” Since no one is riding hover boards and I don’t have a robot to clean my house (is the Roomba supposed to be asContinue reading “2013: A Resolutions Odyssey”