Gettin’ Crafty: Recycle an old t-shirt into a girl’s skirt

I recently reorganized my closet, and I had to have a frank conversation with myself about my wardrobe. Seriously, you can only wear so many v-neck t-shirts, right? But what do you do with your castoffs? If you’re on pinterest, you can search “Upcycle” and come up with dozens of inspirational ideas. I did haveContinue reading “Gettin’ Crafty: Recycle an old t-shirt into a girl’s skirt”

MiniMurph and Spiderwebs: Cheap thrills for the kids

I know that our highly-consumeristic culture often emphasizes going places with your kids, doing “stuff” with your kids, buying “stuff” for your kids, and a lot of these things cost money. I personally try to avoid feeling like we have to spend money to have a good time. We go to parks, we pack picnics,Continue reading “MiniMurph and Spiderwebs: Cheap thrills for the kids”

Gettin’ Crafty: Super easy burpcloths

I love to sew, but I’m very bad at it and practically all-but-self-taught. I should definitely take another lesson, but it’s just been so much fun to mess around. I have several books, too, that help out with ideas and techniques. This idea originally came from a book that I got from the library, andContinue reading “Gettin’ Crafty: Super easy burpcloths”

Gettin’ Crafty: Recycled Art Owls

You know, I found this idea back on Pinterest about 6 months ago. And it’s taken me this long to realize that 6 months worth of saved toilet paper rolls is probably enough to make a go of this project. I bring you Toilet Paper Roll Owls. And they are cute (say it like this:Continue reading “Gettin’ Crafty: Recycled Art Owls”

Gettin’ Crafty: Tank top to child’s dress

In my world, I’ve yet to truly accept that I’m not really that good at being crafty. You see, I love it so much that it breaks my heart to think of not doing it. I envision a whole home devoted to inspirational ideas gleaned from pinboards. Is it so wrong to long for giftContinue reading “Gettin’ Crafty: Tank top to child’s dress”

Getting crafty: Homemade Playdough

This one is especially for RFL, but I thought it would be a fun post for all. Today we made some fresh playdough to upgrade our supply. I give you the world’s easiest (and best smelling) homemade playdough. Ingredients: 2 ½ Cups All-purpose flour 2 Packages Kool Aid ½ cup salt 3 Tablespoons vegetable oilContinue reading “Getting crafty: Homemade Playdough”

Snow day!

Way back on Thursday, there were staggering predictions for snow on the Front Range. Denver cancelled school on Friday… without even waiting for Friday to arrive. Poudre Schools, notorious for not cancelling school, declared the day a “Snow Day!” I was thrilled with this notion. Who doesn’t love a day to be lazy? Snow daysContinue reading “Snow day!”